TRAIL OF Secrets
“If your favoured reading material is a compelling tale with a good sprinkling of mystery, duplicity, manipulation, obsession, anger, hatred, violence and murder, then feel free to read Trail of Secrets by Nora LeDuc.” Brianne’
“This book has a creative story line with well executed plot points, excellent mystery structured scenarios, fantastic writing style with detailed scenes, relatable characters, is fast paced, and keeps you fully engaged and entertained.”
“Nora, your book was amazing with mystery and intrigue, mixing in a little romance. Completely loved from start to finish.”~Reader Cindy
“This is a great whodunnit that keeps you guessing and even when you think that you have it figured out, it keeps going. It kept me reading and trying to imagine how it would end.” ~Reader Lauren
I actually can’t say enough about this book – and I’m not going to try.
Well written? Check
Exciting plot? Check
Sexy, badass characters? Check
Interesting twists? Check
This book delivers everything you want from a romantic suspense, and then some. Do yourself a favour and get your hands on a copy! Reviewer Bella
“Holy crap this book has me wanting more! The twist this story gives you and the turns you ride out while reading is unbelievable! An amazing way to escape reality for awhile escaping into the story! The author gives you everything you want with a good thrill in this book. Can’t wait to read more from this author!~ 5 stars out of 5 stars Stormy Nights & Reviewing Bloggin'”
“The Devil Wore Sneakers is a fast paced and gripping mystery. We have a murder, a coming home girl, a sexy and suspect ex, a serial killer, a lot of suspects and a small town full of interesting characters. The plot is well-developed full of twists and turns, and complex characters, two likable main characters and a couple of crazy ones and a great romance. It is obvious the Author knows how to write a powerful mystery that had me guessing through all the pages! This is a solid 5 star book. (5 of 5 stars)
I highly recommend this book to all readers. ~Romorror Fan Girl
Gone Before Goodbye REVIEWS:
“It sucks you in and keeps you turning the pages.
Peggy Salkill (UNDERCOVER BOOK REVIEWS) No need in trying to figure out what you might think will happen in this book! Once you think you know, you have a twist that will take you in a whole different direction! It sucks you in and keeps you turning the pages!
Sweet N Sassy Sweet N Sassy Book A Holics rated it 5 of 5 stars
~~~Doris’s Review: You have to read this book! Entertaining. ..keeps you guessing all the way to the very end!! I give this book 5 stars!
TNT Reviews: An insane ride! She proves that the mind is indeed a powerful thing!
Gone Before Goodbye started off as 4 bomb read, but the genius twist at the end, turned it into a hell yeah 5 bombs! Reviewed by Heidi

TRUST ME: “The suspense built steadily and unpredictably. Trust Me is a must read.” ~ Long and Short Reviews
DEAD WOMEN TELL NO LIES: “This author writes an outstanding romantic suspense. One of the best I have read in a long time. I would absolutely recommend highly—5 Flowers—I loved this book! It’s on my keeper shelf!”~ It’s Raining Books
“STAGING MURDER absolutely kept me glued to my ereader. I was caught up in the suspense, quite curious about the murder, the threats and what they all meant for Ava.” ~ Jennifer Porter, Romance Novel News
“Impressively crafted, PICK UP LINES FOR MURDER is an enjoyable suspense thriller.” ~ Josee Morgan, Apex Reviews
MURDER CAME CALLING: “A Night Owl Romance Book Review TOP PICK!”
“Cleverly crafted, compelling and suspenseful romance.” ~Romantic Times Book Reviews
~* ~
MURDER BY HEART: “Tension begins on the first page and doesn’t end until an unexpected culprit is revealed in the last few pages. This cleverly crafted story is filled with sexual tension that neither the hero nor the heroine wants to recognize and an abundance of action as they try to outwit a vicious killer.” ~ Donna M. Brown for Romantic Times Book Reviews
LOVE’S WICKED JEWEL: “Several of the scenes contain wry humor that binds all into a tidy bundle of compelling and suspenseful romance.” ~ Faith V. Smith, Romantic Times Book Reviews
Contemporary Romance
GIFTS FROM THE HEART: Ms. LeDuc uses humor and dialogue to create a very endearing story. Lara and Harrison are an exceptional couple and will not soon be forgotten. I look forward to Ms. LeDuc’s next book.~Reviewed by: Tewanda/Fallen Angel Reivews